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Neurophilosophy Lab Pubilcations 

Journal articles, book chapters, books and other publications by members of the Neurophilosophy Lab. Some preprints are included for our in-progress work. 


Pérez-Gay Juárez, F., & Toutée, L. (2023, May 19). The cognitive neuroscience of literary fiction: Bridging biomedical sciences and health humanities. To appear in: Laforest, Mihelakis & Toth (Eds). Toward Embodied Narratives in the Health Humanities and Literary Studies. University of Toronto Press.

Leos, H., Gold, I. & Pérez-Gay F. (2023) Face masks negatively skew theory of mind judgements. Sci Rep 13, 4950 (2023). 


Little, C., Solomonova, E., Jordan, M., Klein, N., Jennings, B., Schmidtmann, G., Leos, H., & Gold, I. (2022). The discrimination of self from other as a component of empathy. Emotion. Advance online publication.

Solomonova, E., Perez-Gay Juárez, F., & Gold, I. (2022). Distressing nightmares and bad dreams during the COVID-19 pandemic are associated with depressive symptoms, somatic symptoms, and delusional ideation. Sleep Medicine, 100, S29. Paper presented at the World Sleep Congress, 2023

Pérez-Gay Juárez, F., Leone, O., Solomonova, E. & Gold, I. (2022) Transcultural mindreading: Building a new database of Facial Expressions with actors of diverse ethnicities to assess social cognition. Proc. Annu. Meet. Cogn. Sci. Soc. 44


V. Lecompte, S. Robins, L. King, E. Solomonova, N. Khan, E. Moss, C. Nagy, N. Feeley, I. Gold, B. Hayton, G. Turecki & P. Zelkowitz (2021) Examining the role of mother-child interactions and DNA methylation of the oxytocin receptor gene in understanding child controlling attachment behaviors, Attachment & Human Development, 23:1, 37-55, DOI: 10.1080/14616734.2019.1708422


Schmidtmann, G., Logan, A. J., Carbon, C.-C., Loong, J. T., & Gold, I. (2020). In the Blink of an Eye: Reading Mental States From Briefly Presented Eye Regions. I-Perception, 11(5).


Schmidtmann, G., Jennings, B. J., Sandra, D. A., Pollock, J., & Gold, I. (2020). The McGill Face Database: Validation and Insights Into the Recognition of Facial Expressions of Complex Mental States. Perception, 49(3), 310–329.

Solomonova, E., MacKinnon, A. L., Gold, I., Robins, S., Wunderlich, S., Feeley, N., Hayton, B., Libman, E., & Zelkowitz, P. (2020). Disordered sleep is related to delusional ideation and depression during the perinatal period. Sleep health, 6(2), 179–184.

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