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MULTethnic theory of mind face database

The most widely-used instrument to assess ToM, Baron-Cohen’s Reading the Mind in the Eyes (RmE), uses exclusivelywhite faces. Following the methodology of the McGill Face Database, we created a new database of high-quality videos and stills of ethnically diverse actors depicting 93 different mental states, suitable to study cross-cultural ToM. We are currently validating this database using a) the classic RmE four-alternative forced-choiceparadigm and b) a task where raters locate each face within a 2-D space of valence and arousal.


Static database validation

Eighteen actors. HQ photographs of Ninety-two mental states. Ongoing validation, More details coming soon. 

Dynamic face database validation

Eighteen actors. High-quality, three-second videos of ninety-two mental states. Ongoing validation, More details coming soon. 

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