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Theory of Mind and Empathy Projects

Neural Mechanisms of ToM

This study looks at the role of the right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ) in implicit Theory of Mind (ToM).  We use a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) paradigm to investigate whether the rTPJ is linked to belief representation or perspective-taking. Importantly, this study also asks whether implicit and explicit ToM share neural mechanisms.  A followup experiment will assess the involvement of the left temporoparietal junction in the same way.


Mindreading in the pandemic - ToM judgements of masked faces

This project aims to assess the way face masks change our mindreading judgements in terms of accuracy of recognition, perceived valence and perceived arousal. We use behavioural ToM paradigms and FACS analysis to explore the reasons behind these changes. We are also interested in the role of gender and ethnicity in these effects.


Self-other distinctions in empathy

To empathize with another individual, the mental state of the target individual must first be distinguished from the empathizer's own mental state. The purpose of this study is to investigate this proposal empirically. 


Linguistic Signatures of ToM

The aim of this study is to search for linguistic signatures of ToM in patients with schizophrenia using natural language processing methods. The long-term goal is to apply our methodologies across various populations to understand how distinct features of ToM are affected in different contexts. In addition, this work seeks to find computational methods that can identify diagnostic criteria in commonly used psychological assessments.

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Fiction, Social Categorization and ToM

Previous research has documented the potential of reading fiction to improve Theory of Mind (ToM) and to decrease out-group perceptual biases. This study presents a novel design in which we explore if reading fiction induces changes in in-group and out-group ToM. 

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